This year's theme has been dedicated to establishing trust with others around us post pandemic era. This article gives us insight regarding why trusting our healthcare professionals is important to our health.
My featured article for Elders.Center where we talk about how important it is to keep a sense of purpose after retirement. Click the thumbnail to visit her site for the full article!
This week, I had the great pleasure of collaborating with another blogger to bring you all a featured article!!!
Annabelle Harris is the author for Elder's Center, whose passion is helping others transition into retirement.
How are you guys? What major life decision have you made and how has it effected you and your family?
They say when you truly commit to something, you really enjoy it to the point the world melts away... This article was a little scary to make public, but I did it! Enjoy y'all week!
A little gratitude everyday helps us remember how fortunate we are to have what we have in our lives. I love you honey
If you have had your heart broken in the past then you know that there are times that you have a really hard time trusting yourself...
I have been completely inconsistent in posting (I'm sorry!) Here's why...
Pressing forward with my promise to make this year a "Trust" theme! Family can be tricky at times. Rather than throwing away a valuable relationship, I encourage you to try these tips.
So many times we come into work fearing what we will be blamed for next. Building trust and connections won't eliminate all of the times you were used as a scapegoat, but it does help make the work day bearable...
If you ever thought that you had enough, think again! This blog post is meant for you to take in consideration why trusting others (and yourself) is essential to every day life.
Although we continue to make great strides in the workforce, we can still work collaboratively to help one another succeed. Here is a featured article from our friends at Elder's Center and their thoughts on harnessing your power and strength while maintaining your femininity.